domingo, 12 de junio de 2011

UNICOM in global competition

The Community College will be participating in an international competition in order to recover the customs and culture of communities, so today is the last day you can send the project that will be participating.
The call was made by the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC). CES Coordinator UNICOM ponds, the lawyer Maria Antonieta Hernández Galván said that Unicom, as well as other colleges and universities also have a cultural profile will be recording their project.
He reported that the rural community who will be working with and developing the project, if they are winners, San Francisco de Assisi Pocito de Campo Real, ejido is located near the community of Vicente Guerrero.
The coordinator said that they have until today to register the project that aims to rescue the plants from the region for medicinal use, as a community person has the knowledge of plants for use as alternative medicine, form of tea.
One of the deciding factors highlighted by the community is that they are people without electricity, water and other facilities, as well as a means of transportation, so that through the project are geared for economic gain through the sale of plants.
The winning project will be a considerable amount to fund the project and in relation to the community has a greater willingness to build the project under the guidance of the students at the Community College.
Finally, the Coordinator of Unicom, said the results are being reported in the first week of June, to thereby carry out the project in July, August and September.

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